Sunday, October 26, 2014

Servo coolant screen set is done

 Ok folks I have finished the servo coolant nozzle screen set for Mach3. So far it has been working pretty good.
   When I installed it on the ORK mill, I got my tool off set measurements wrong. It drove me nuts for an hour or two. I was thinking, Gosh it worked perfect on my cardboard testing setup. Here I was measuring the tool  length from the flange instead of the difference between my zero tool and current tool. Have been doing other things besides machining and forgot.

   I tried my best to make it easy to install. The screen set folder contains a few setting pictures and installing directions. There are two options in the nozzle parking Brains Ver1 and Ver2.   Ver2 is the default  and has a more positive, solid  action. Some of the arduino code needs to be changed for Ver1 to work correctly. There is a note pad file in the screen set folder with all the details.

  The screen set can be found on this CNC zone thread.

 From this project, I have learned a lot about screen sets, brains, Arduino programming, Modbus, Inkscape and trigonometry.   At times I felt like my brain was going to explode.

 Here is a couple of videos showing how things work. Any questions can be left here, the CNC zone thread or on my Youtube channel. Have fun and be safe :)

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