Saturday, February 21, 2015

Custom M codes for coolant nozzles

  Ok, I was making a screen set for my mill that gets rid of all the stuff that is not used. And I thought wouldn't it be nice to have an M code that sets the coolant nozzle functions automatically. The special function screen could be pretty much forgotten about.

  The M codes are M1000 through M1008, (M1000 is function code 0, M1008 is function 8 etc.). Sweep angle can be set using the same process.

   Using the VB script editor in Mach3, this code was made:

    SetUserDRO(2060, 8)
   The 2060 is the DRO code that the function number is displayed in, on the special function page.

   This was named M1008 saved  and placed in the macros folder in Mach3.

  In the G code an M1008  is written and an 8 will automatically be put into the special function dro. I use sheetcam and it allows for code snippets to made and added. The code snippet is selected and added before a machining operation.

   When the m code is placed before tool number the special function brain must be unenabled. If it is after the tool code it doesn't matter.

     The above picture shows the code that sheet cam added. Lines N080,N090,N100.  The far right shows the nozzle position code.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Camper update

   Ok, this project has turned into a long term one. I was hoping to be able use it at the camp Mack  archery shoot in April. But I don't think it will be done by then due to budget constraints. Right now I need to get the aluminum hinges and angles to continue the build.

   All the plywood used in the galley and storage bench is recycled from old kitchen panels a friend gave me after a remodeling job.
rear of galley there will be fold down shelves here


door with full window

this is the side that will have the fold out tent 

a seat/storage in the front

Coolant nozzle formulas

    I had some free time so I put together a cad drawing of the formulas that are used in my coolant nozzle brains, this way I don't forget.
    I was also thinking it might be better to put the formulas in the arduino program. This way it may be easier to change if  I ever upgrade to Mach4. It looks like Mach4 does not use the same types of brains. It uses Lua (Oh Boy! looks like I'm going to have to learn more stuff) instead of the graphical programming. This way I may be able to  pass the inputs over the modbus and let the arduino do all the calculations.

  Will wait a couple of years and study how Mach4  modbus works.